To visit the Clerc Milon website
you must be of legal drinking age in your country.
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Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA maintains this website for the personal use of individuals legally authorised to consume alcoholic beverages, in countries where the consumption of alcoholic beverages is lawful.
©2023 – Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A.
Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A.
is a French société anonyme (joint-stock corporation)
Share capital: €6,250,000
Registered office: rue de Grassi – 33250 Pauillac
Telephone : + 33 (0)5 56 73 20 20
Fax : + 33 (0)5 56 73 20 44
Registration: Bordeaux Trade and Companies Register (RCS), no. B 459 202 644
Chairman and CEO: Philippe Sereys de Rothschild
Senior managers: Véronique Hombroekx, Ariane Khaida and Eric Bergman
Publishing manager: Ariane Khaida
Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA is the sole owner of the logotypes, copyright and other intellectual and industrial property rights used on this website. Any unauthorised use of all or some of those rights by third parties may give rise to legal action.
This site is produced and published by Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA. It is hosted by Systonic, Parc Magellan, 2-4 rue Eugène Chevreul, 33600 Pessac (Tel.: + 33 (0)5 57 26 44 44).
The trade marks and logotypes appearing on this site are the property of Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA and may not be used for advertising purposes without the owner’s prior written consent. Any reproduction of this site, total or partial, in France or elsewhere, is strictly prohibited under the prevailing laws and regulations relating to intellectual and artistic property.
Any information whatsoever about Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA on the internet outside our website will have been transmitted without our authorisation and beyond our control and we cannot therefore be held liable for it.
Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A. gives no undertaking whatsoever with regard to any other site which you might access via the Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA website and has no control over or responsibility for the content of such sites.
Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA may not under any circumstances be held liable for any direct, indirect or particular damage arising from use of this website or other sites to which it is linked, and in particular for any financial or commercial prejudice, loss of programs or data in your information system or any other, even if Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA was aware of the possibility that such damage might occur.
Systonic – Parc Magellan, 2-4 rue Eugène Chevreul – 33600 PESSAC
L’agence Bespoke (Nouvoduo SARL), Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A.
Photos :
Julie Rey, Mathieu Anglada (Saison d’Or), Alain Benoît (Deepix), Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A., Clerc Milon vers 1867 _ reproduction Adrienne Barroche _ Auteur Alfred Danflou copyright Région Nouvelle Aquitaine Inventaire Général du patrimoine culturel _ Conseil départemental de la Gironde
Vidéos :
Saison d’Or
License Apache :
Copyright [2023] [Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A.]
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